Saturday, July 11, 2009

Preview: 'Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2'

Strategy, action and a touch of RPG elements, all attributes will be found in this remarkable sequel to the Marvel Ultimate Alliance, launched in 2006 and as expected, we will enjoy controlling all our favorite superheroes the most famous of the universe comics.

2006 led to adaptations and video games rather than popular, but not yet enjoyed the full potential of our new generation of consoles, the Xbox 360 was already on the market, but despite this and had some good titles, yet had not exploited all its potential complexity, equal to the PS3 and as far as the Nintendo Wii, the only innovation with regard to the entertainment system comes to play. Anyway, the point is that one of the titles that did not deserve the respect that should (Marvel Ultimate Alliance), I provide a pattern of very innovative game, which mixes elements of role and that puts us in action to be taken by the a control group of 4 superheroes, at least that number that is the memory.

Well, let's get down to business, the sequel was announced last year, and logically this will remain true to use the patterns that had the gameplay of the first title, but with several improvements that should be applied with due purpose of enriching the system a little game, because in this last delivery became somewhat repetitive in some occasions.

Among the superheroes who have already confirmed their presence to be controlled are: Hulk, Wolverine, Spiderman, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Ironman

One aspect that was most notable and enjoyable in this sequel, it will be great emphasis on teamwork, each and every one of the superheroes are creditors of various types of movements and skills, and these occasions will be forced to merge into together to effectively defeat the forces of evil, is certainly a very enjoyable and also the first title did not pay attention.

Touch to this great RPG genre will also make appearance in this sequel, forcing them to traverse different types of scenarios on several occasions to find the hero who slowly guided to our squad to be superheroes and our next goal with regard to the IA characters, this promises to be improved and occasionally have to solve a puzzle that another way to make progress in the level.

The paragraph is a graph of the attributes that most promise, as the animations and textures of the characters have been elevated in large

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 to reach stores on September 15 this year to absolutely all platforms (PC, Xbox 360, Ps3, Wii, Ps2, Psp and Ds) and promises to be a really good game, but particularly, I think is only a mandatory event for fans of superheroes, what I think of this?, well, simply because the assumptions that we have identified are satisfactory but nothing surprises me 100%.

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